Brighter Days Ahead for 2022

Happy Holidays from Ontrack Communications

Written by Tim McLarty

December 22, 2021

We know these have been a challenging last few years, but we are eternal optimists. We are confident the coming year will be the corner we’ve all been waiting to turn. Happy Holidays to you and yours. With science, love and old fashioned ingenuity, our planet will be bestowed back to us in the coming year.

When you get knocked down get right back up again.

Thank you for the pleasure of knowing or working with you in the past. I’m excited about building more video and web, hosting & crafting your podcasts and helping you tool your messaging in 2021.

Look for the release of my short film “Thumbs Down” also in 2022.

Stay safe and get ready to get back out there.


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Tim McLarty - Ontrack Communications Inc.

About the author

Tim McLarty is creative director at Ontrack Communications in Toronto. He’s a podcaster, and his background includes 9 years as professor of media creation at Humber College and 17 years as a broadcaster across Canada.  Ontrack is a media studio creating video, motion graphics, audio and podcast content.  In his spare time he makes short films and travels to any country that will have him.