To say these are turbulent times would be a gross understatement. Today we're all facing generational challenges that are trying the very fibre of our being; not just in hospital settings around the globe, but in corporate cubicles, work-from-home offices, and...
New television creative from IBEW353
I've had the pleasure of working with Redseal Creative for a few years now. Creative Director Pete Gilboy brings so much experience and talent to every project and he, Dee and Doug are such a joy to work with. Here is the latest commercial Pete wrote and art...
Happy Holidays from Ontrack Communications
Another year has flown by. We wish you and yours the happiest of holiday seasons. Our little animator elves toiled hard in the month of December to create our 20 second fun video greeting. Enjoy. And all the best for the new year!
Facebook will be just fine
To say that Facebook is in a wee bit of a trouble this week is an understatement. Facebook was unknowingly complicit in data harvesting with Cambridge Analytica. Is this serious? You bet your broadband it is. Will this be the end of Facebook? Definitely not. Let's...
Happy Holidays from Ontrack Communications
Hard to believe another year has flown by again. But it definitely wasn't a boring year by any stretch. The drama started from the Whitehouse from the very beginning of the year. The Russian investigations, fake news, and a constant barrage of representatives being...
Kudos to the Design Agency for TokyoSmoke
What do you do when you're the ad agency assigned to promote a hip new coffee house that is just a bit out of the way. To be more precise, it's up and out of the way. Coffee chain TokyoSmoke opened their 3rd Toronto location in the rapidly hipsterizing neighbourhood...
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About the author
Tim McLarty is creative director at Ontrack Communications in Toronto. He’s a podcaster, and his background includes 9 years as professor of media creation at Humber College and 17 years as a broadcaster across Canada. Ontrack is a media studio creating video, motion graphics, audio and podcast content. In his spare time he makes short films and travels to any country that will have him.