I heard the Beer Festival is on this weekend in Toronto. Mmmmm beer. And coincidentally, this week Heineken released their new beer campaign with Neil Patrick Harris.
When they talk about it people in the media, NPH would definitely qualify. He’s the triple threat. Acts, sings, dances and is also very funny even without lines being fed to him through a script. That’s why the new Heineken commercials work. And the creative team G2 Worldwide did a wonderful job turning a sow’s ear into a silk purse. In beer advertising you’re not aloud to show the actor actually drinking the beer on camera. So G2 decided to build the humour around that idea.
Here’s spot 2 in the series.
In the age of YouTube it’s becoming standard practise to have a “making of behind the scenes video”. Here’s theirs.
Beer advertising has been on the leading edge of creativity from the beginning. It goes hand and hand with leisure time, feeling good and having some laughs. It only makes sense. If you’re a beer ad connoisseur you may want to try the Beer Slogan Quiz.
And for the record, no beers were consumed in the making of this blog.