Our 12 days of Toronto Holiday Moments – Day 1 – Scriveners Square

Written by Tim McLarty

December 13, 2016

Scriveners Square - part of our 12 days of Christmas video greeting cards

Scriveners Square – part of our 12 days of Christmas video greeting cards

We travelled around Toronto over the last month filming holiday moments as the season got under way. Look for the country’s tallest Christmas tree, Christmas markets, haunted holiday houses high atop the city, Santa’s crashing into shopping lanes and much more.

For these videos, we left our 4K cinema camera back at the studio and captured sequences at will on an iphone 6s. This gave us flexibility and spontaneity.
There is some graininess during the night sequences, but by and large it’s acceptable in a raw, guerilla style for these kinds of shares.

If iphone video is captured with some common sense composition and a minimum of shaky movements, it can work. And when the video is embedded inside branded graphics and animations, they really create some memorable, sharable moments.

Enjoy our 12 days of Christmas Toronto Holiday Moment videos.   We’ll be sharing them throughout the holidays. We hope you enjoy viewing them. And we’d love to know what holiday hot spots we missed so we can put them on the list for next year.

You can see the entire series on our Facebook page

Here is Day 1 – the beautiful, historic train station turned LCBO at Scriveners Square.

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Tim McLarty - Ontrack Communications Inc.

About the author

Tim McLarty is creative director at Ontrack Communications in Toronto. He’s a podcaster, and his background includes 9 years as professor of media creation at Humber College and 17 years as a broadcaster across Canada.  Ontrack is a media studio creating video, motion graphics, audio and podcast content.  In his spare time he makes short films and travels to any country that will have him.