A CMS (content management system) website has become an essential tool in a company’s ongoing marketing initiatives. Google feeds off and promotes companies and URL’s that upload a nonstop supply of quality content.
Because of the enormous popularity of WordPress CMS sites by both small business and large corporations alike, and the thousands of plug-ins designed by third party developers, many developers and creative houses (including ours) have chosen to specialize in WordPress design and application for our clients.
Web developer vs Client updates
This is a a site we developed to promote courses and content for Quebec based college, CEGEP. They are constantly updating their courses and the curriculum. It was imperative they had a site that allowed the flexibility to modify content frequently both for expediency and cost.
There’s a term known as “card based sites”. This is common for sites with a lot of features which need to be explained. Here is a typical card based section graphic from the Cegep site.
On the site, when you click on “View Program” it takes you into a detail page. It segments large blocks of information into “eye bites” (visual information the viewer’s brain can easily digest).
Custom Designed Modules
One of the huge selling points of a well designed wordpress development, is the custom designed modules that allow content to be easily updated. Here are some snap shots from a site under development. This client will need the flexibility to adjust pricing and service lists when required.
The pricing page http://tbhemployee.ontrackcommunications.ca/pricing/ has a chart that can easily be
updated through the wordpress module we created in their dashboard.
On the retail side of things, a B2C company needs to update their content frequently to address seasonal issues.
B2C (currently in development)
Responsive Design
Since Google started giving preference to companies with mobile responsive websites, we have designed all sites to cater to this algorithm requirement.
It’s important to note that all responsive code is not created alike. We call it “sloppy code” where type will overlap other type at certain screen sizes. Proper responsive code has a thought process that goes into it. The developer chooses items to stack on top of each other according to importance and sell priority with no messy type or image overlaps as soon on poorly coded responsive sites.
Responsive websites can be designed as two separate sites. One for mobile and one for desktop. We prefer the clean, simplicity of designing a responsive user interface that only requires the user to upload content in one spot, and the code will show and shrink according to the size of the viewing device.
It’s important to consider the costs, over time, of involving a web developer each time you wish to add simple content to your site. Familiarizing yourself with how to add and modify content will create savings, and content that works to your definite advantage over time. Be sure and choose a web design/developer who includes proper training so you’ll be able to squeeze all the bells and whistles out of your new CMS WordPress platform.